Who are we?
Humanity Cartoons is a joint project of Time to Help and Human Rights Solidarity. These are two registered charities in England and Wales. Time to Help is active in humanitarian aid; and Human Rights Solidarity works on human rights. Immigration and asylum is an issue where these two areas of charitable work come together. Why does immigration matters?
Immigration and asylum are among the most important topics of discussion in the world today. The migration flow from East to West and from South to North is growing exponentially every year. Last year, approximately 80.000 people have applied for asylum in the UK. According to a UN report, more than 108 million people were forcibly displaced by the end of 2022. What is the problem?
This mobility brings with it economic, social and political problems. People who leave their countries at the risk of death face brand new problems in the countries they think of as 'safe harbours'. Some are arrested, some deported and yet others lose their mental health within years of uncertainty imposed on them.
Power of art!
By using the language of art, we want to raise social awareness about this vital issue and contribute to the solution of this human tragedy. For this purpose, 768 artists from many countries submitted 1,278 works to the cartoon competition on 'migration and immigration'. The wonderful cartoons you see here have been selected from these drawings. Refugees welcome!
Each of the works emphasises the reasons why migrants leave their countries, the difficult conditions they live in and the human rights violations they are exposed to. As people living in peace and prosperity, we have to think about them. Like every human being, they have the right to live freely. We should extend all kinds of helping hands to them and create the safe living conditions they need. The United Kingdom must be welcoming refugees.GrandJury

Gustavo Fernando Caballero Talavera (Guffo) Mexico
Guffo has drawn for newspapers, magazines and advertising agencies in Mexico since 1997. As a political cartoonist has won more than 10 international cartoon awards and participated in several conferences and exhibitions on human rights and environmental issues. Since 2020 he has been dedicated to mural art and custom art work on request.
Ali Miraee Iran
Ali Miraee, an Iranian Cartoonist whom resides in the United States. He holds a master’s degree in industrial design, while winning several grand prizes from International Festivals. He has also been awarded with the World Press Freedom Award in Canada. His collection of artworks has been printed in the form of books in Romania (titled: Best of Ali Miraee) and Poland (titled: Art of smile and reflection).
Luc Descheemaeker - Belgium
Luc Descheemaeker (°1955) Belgian cartoonist and humor photographer with the artist name 'O-SEKOER', retired art teacher Torhout. Winner of more than 375 international cartoon awards. Started in 1978 as a cartoonist with one selection in the International Cartoon Contest of Knokke-Heist, Belgium and is now selected in more than thousand international cartoon contests all over the world. First prize winners in Belgium, Brazil, Cuba, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Mexico, Spain, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Italia, Bulgaria, Argentina and Colombia. Personal cartoon exhibition in India, Brazil, Slovakia, Poland, Belgium. Jury member in several cartoon festivals in Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, Slovakia, Iran and Turkey.What is
Immigration Cartoons Competition?
The 3. Humanity Cartoons Immigration Cartoons Competition, organised by Human Rights Solidarity and Time to Help UK, both registered charities in the UK, is focused on raising awareness and inspiring thought about the plight of immigrants through the medium of cartoon art. Entrants, who must be aged 16 and over, are encouraged to submit original and creative cartoons that specifically address the challenges immigrants face. A panel of experts will judge the submissions and award cash prizes to the winning cartoons. This competition aims to use the power of cartoon art to shed light on immigration matters in general, to the problems in the asylum intake and refugee integration systems of the Western societies and contribute to a better understanding of the issues immigrant communities face. A selection of the submitted cartoons will be exhibited around the World by partner organizations on the occasion of the Refugee Week 2023.
The Process

Come up with new and striking ideas on immigration and illustrate them with your cartoons

Please submit your cartoons through the Google form at the following link. You can submit only one cartoon. No anonymous or collective submission is accepted.

Competition Results
Our acclaimed international july will declare the winners on the 30 of May 2023.

A selection of the submitted cartoons will be exhibited around the World by partner organizations on the occasion of the Refugee Week 2023. You are most welcomed to participate, regardless of how well you performed in the competition.
Previous Competition
2016 - 1.International KYM Cartoon Competition – Refugees
The theme of the "Humanity Cartoons" competition is the plight of immigrants and the challenges they face. The competition encourages entrants to submit original and creative cartoons that address the theme and aim to raise awareness and inspire thought. Entrants should focus on illustrating the struggles and difficulties immigrants face. The theme also promotes the idea of using the power of cartoon art to shed light on critical social issues and contribute to a better understanding of the problems related to immigration, asylum and refugee policies. the competition is open to all individuals aged 16 and over. There is no restriction on the location or citizenship of the entrant as long as they meet the age requirement.
About Us
The "Humanity Cartoons" refugee cartoon competition, organised by Time to Help UK, Dialogue Society and Human Rights Solidarity, is focused on raising awareness and inspiring thought about the plight of refugees through the medium of cartoon art. Entrants, who must be aged 16 and over, are encouraged to submit original and creative cartoons that specifically address the challenges faced by refugees. A panel of experts will judge the submissions and award cash prizes to the winning cartoons. This competition aims to use the power of cartoon art to shed light on refugee matters and contribute to a better understanding of the issues faced by refugees.